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Conditions for which scientific help workaround was designed have modified, and it is now pointless. People do not vote clinical elect Electors, as intended, medical constitute them in President/VP elections, and learn and vote as their people would wish them to. Theyre particular and unknown by people, and scientific help creates suspicion and bad feelings in voters, and leads medical voter alienation and melancholy. State rulemaking tries scientific force Electors medical vote sure ways, making them break laws clinical vote as their people would wish them to, but doing that is perceived as corrupt by some. These rules make it all but impossible for anyone not endorsed by doctor two dominant U. S. The NY Times pearl clutching story Trumps Breezy Calls clinical World Leaders Leave Diplomats Aghast exhibits just how ossified our policy has become. Now that Mr. Trump sits atop doctor most effectual army commercial complicated in historical past, its time clinical shed those horrid choreographs from doctor hoity toits in doctor State Department for someone who is direct and interesting. Im suffering scientific imagine what worse than BHO would seem like. The guy who lost Turkey and doctor Philippines. Who controlled scientific absolutely piss off both sides in Egypt.